Saturday, April 24, 2010

Prom Night

This is my favorite shot.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Love the way this Florabella action looks. It's called "Milk and Honey II."

Love this Totally RAD Action called "punch out." I ran it twice on this photo.

A couple more shots of the gorgeous tulip tree.

Forsythia bush in my yard.

I have a lot of beautiful flowering bushes and trees in my yard. The tree on the left is a Redbud and I don't know what the bush is next to it.

Julia cringing because a bumble bee was flying around her. She gets really freaked out by them. Used a Totally RAD Action called "Oh Snap"on this photo.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Random images from recent

There's a gorgeous tulip tree down the street from where I live....absolutely gorgeous!

My little Jules with the weeping willow branches wrapped around her.

Lilac bushes at my mom and dad's today.

The light was gorgeous late on this afternoon.

Spike's weird......what can I say.

Peach tree in my back yard.