Saturday, September 15, 2007

Anna's 8th Birthday

This is my daughter's friend, Anna. She is turning 8 on Monday and had her birthday party on Friday. Pizza, Dairy Queen ice cream cake, and lots of fun playing!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Jump Rope

My daughter loves to jump rope. The school that she goes to has an after school program and she gets to learn double dutch on Wednesdays. I played around with Indie Actions on these.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

What a Lame Blogger I am!!!

I'm such a lame blogger! I wish I could post every day like most bloggers do!

My daughter on the right with her best friend on the left, Anna, and Hayley in the middle. Hayley is Anna's little sister.

And isn't this the cutest little puppy you've ever seen? I think the owner said she is five months old, her name is Harley. The woman holding Harley is the owner and she is also the owner of the place I take boxing lessons at. I'm taking the boxing lessons to lose weight and so far I'm down 15.8 lbs!!!